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Give a Gift of Hope Today

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Give a Hot Meal

When you are living through a war, normal activities of life become more difficult. Reliable access to food is one of the basics of life deeply impacted in a war-torn country or in places with widespread poverty. Your gift provides a hot meal for one person.

Feeding Someone
Vulnerable is
Just a Click Away

Click Here

How Can I Help

When you give a gift to someone in need at Christmas, you are making a “forever” impact on the life of someone who faces hardship and difficult daily circumstances. Each of the gifts on this page will instill a new sense of hope in the lives of those suffering and struggling today.


Each gift you give will impact the life of someone who needs rescue from desperate circumstances, who is desperate for hope, and will give new purpose to lives in need. 


Your gift today achieves an ongoing impact as recipients share this same hope with others who need rescue!


There is no better way to celebrate the gift of our Saviour than sharing the hope of His coming with others.

Popular Gifts This Christmas

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Food for Refugees

Many individuals who have fled their homes because of the war continue to live with enormous challenges. These traumitized people experience unemployment, expended savings, and makeshift housing. Many face severe food insecurity. Your gift provides a small grocery supplement.

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Child's Christmas

When kids live in poverty, their childhood is often stolen. Fun is something they rarely experience. These kids deserve to receive joy at Christmas. Kids' events at Christmas teach them that no matter what happens in their lives, God is with them. 


Firewood for a Family

The war in Ukraine makes it challenging to survive the cold weather months. Electrical outages are a daily occurrence. This is very dangerous in winter as most heating systems need electricity. Even when the heat is on, affordability is at a crisis point. Children and the elderly in Ukraine are extremely vulnerable. Your gift provides life-saving firewood.

Download Printable Resources

Please use these resources to give your gifts by mail. The downloadable gift card can be freely used to give gifts in honor of family and friends! (please note: donations to "Gifts of Hope" cannot be received by mail during the postal strike, but you can use the simple, secure donation links on this page!)

Other Gifts

Mission Partners International is a registered charity in Canada Registration #888133394RR001

Mission Partners honors the intent of your donations toward any current or ongoing MPI project. If the amount raised exceeds the need for any project or category, surplus funds will be directed to MPI's most urgent needs.

Note: Income tax receipts will be issued for all donations above $10 provided MPI receives a valid Canadian address. Tax receipts are issued at the end of the tax year.

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Canadian Head Office:

PO Box 35006 RPO Nelson Park, London ON N5W 5Z6  Tel: 1-877-551-5525

Canadian Charitable Registration Number: 88813 3394 RR0001

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