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Other Ways to Give

Become a Monthly Donor

Giving monthly is a powerful way to make a long-term difference in the lives of people in need. Monthly giving allows charities and non-profits, like Mission Partners, to plan for tomorrow and commit to their charitable programs. Monthly donors take the worry and stress out of planning and allow the attention to be where it belongs, on fighting poverty in Eastern Europe.

Lady in blue shirt hugs a woman in tears
Donate Securities
Paper with graphs sitting on a table

Did you know that you can donate securities to Mission Partners? Donating securities is a very efficient way to make a charitable gift because you avoid paying the capital gains tax owed when you cash out your investment.  You pay less tax, your charity gets a larger amount of money, and you get a larger tax deduction. It's a win/win!

Wills and Inheritances
Lady sitting behind a desk talking to a client

Do you want to know that your passion for helping others can continue after your death? By naming Mission Partners as a recipient of part of the proceeds of your estate you are creating a living legacy. Estate donations can also help your family with capital gains tax. Speak to your lawyer about naming Mission Partners in your will

Memorial Donations
Grey background with yellow flowers

Many families prefer to have gifts given to a charity close to their heart at their loved passing in lieu of flowers. MPI treats memorial gifts in the highest regard. For more information or to access an online memorial donation option, click the button below. 

Talk to us about Special Giving Options 

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Canadian Head Office:

PO Box 35006 RPO Nelson Park, London ON N5W 5Z6  Tel: 1-877-551-5525

Canadian Charitable Registration Number: 88813 3394 RR0001

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