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Giving a Gift in Memorium

Giving a Gift in Memorium is a beautiful way to honor and show respect for a loved one who has passed on. Memorial gifts can be of great comfort to a grieving family knowing that the legacy of their loved one lives on through the charitable work close to their heart.

MPI treats memorial gifts in the highest regard. We always use every dollar contributed to impact real lives in need today and our passion is to change lives for eternity. 

There is no minimum or maximum gift amount for a memorial donation. Even the smallest donations are important. We will notify the family of your donation as soon as possible so that they will be encouraged by your gift.   

Note: MPI's policy is to issue income tax receipts for every donation over $10 provided we receive a first and last name and a full mailing address.

Gift in Memorium
I Want to Give a Gift to Honour Someone

My Information:


Information on the Family for Notification of Your Gift

Thank you for Your Memorial Gift

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